Dark Mirror Ov Tragedy

Ashen Requiem, a Dirgeful Grace

Dark Mirror Ov Tragedy

Staring at the foggy night sky
To placate my hollow soul
Tried to conceal grief
Tragic memories strikes back with tears
Lost my will to live
So desperate
Pain deep filled inside
This scars never healed
Searching for constellations which is nowhere to be seen
For hopes of putting this sadness to sleep
But you still haunts in my tear-smudged vision
Your your your voice echoing in my ear
As i look at the your ashes slowly disappearing from my hands
I remember the times we used to have together
Can't bring back those who shared ours
You are live in every breathe of mine
Every beating heart you just still in
Yet i haven't settle

Our days are buried in ephemeral time
While i walk stagger to keep your promise
Standing on this vast earth
The vigor to devour everything in sight
Filled with some unknown fury
Helps me struggle to step ahead