"ooh what i wouldn't do to taste your blood" Marz: Straight for the juggular Raw dog suck-ular Blood killa (killa) I'm the creep in the hearse With a thirst for the worst Type of shit you aint heard Psychopathic (yo) Anarchistic (what) massochistic (right) fuck religion (what?) a vampire settin churches on fire bringin down the evil muthafuckin empire cut a throat-to the bone to the beat-of my song and im gone... Monoxide Child: Cut yourself, let it bleed-pulsate My heartbeats bumpin like i aint awake shadow caster, phantasma and i wanna take a drink of your plasma im hangin upside down in an all black room stickin myself and drinkin the blood from the wound i gotta consume enough blood to keep me alive cause if i dont im gonna wither and die -BYE BYE- Chorus: "ooh what i wouldn't do to taste your blood" gimme dat blood, gimme dat blood (x2) Shaggy: Now blood might drip, blood might clot Blood flow, but fuck all that Sit down and listen close to your uncle shags i take blood in any form, even scabs dirty needles filled with junkie blood jus' lemme find this vein i hang at the emergency ward and lick wounds gimme that blood for the ritual of the loons Jay: I need blood like a mosquito I'll suck the blood outta heroin needle i dont care how i get it just come wid it ill lick the blood off your lip if you bit it ill slit my neck and wrists and do the windmill and be a blood fountain for real i swim underwater sniffin for blood like a shark but i aint a shark, im a blood suckin retard ...RETARD! Chorus (x2) Blaze: I bend over, blood sippin' Pull