Possessed by beast... possessed Possessed by drugs. Stone heart in breast... divine The crusher of life. This is not dream Reborn beast flow through vein Victim start to scream Beast takes life that she gain Looking for last vein! Drugs kills like sword Drugs kills like gun Fallen man left his world Lost big war he begun I curse all fucked dealers Sellers of shit in my eyes are killers Reckless kids takes for pleasure More dealers they meet the rather Two metres under the ground There lies my friend Gone for last bound Took golden shoot and bent Burn... Burn in fire Burn... burn Burn... Burn you bastard God please tell me if there's someone who, Who can stop her in time Before the beast will find another victim, Another weak man. Beast is rising in power Now she is chasing onto you Drop the drugs don't be coward Slay that dealer on your way Beast takes over you She controls you...