Once upon a time Was living a Forest Mighty, vast and wild She was peaceful and quiet The dry desert attacked her So many times She did'nt care She drowned the sand One day everything changed The once feared forest Strangely took pity For the sandy, thirsty desert The once feared Forest…. Since that day, the old myghty forest Let the dry vermins soil its paradise The sand ran aground like inexorable waves The desert that was in the olden days asking for mercy Was now invading his host's country The desert's mind perverted the Forest's one Until she lost counscious of her past The sand took the places of the old Sacred Trees While hyenas were eating the Wolve's lambs But one day the awakenning of sleeping White Wolves Changed the treacherous invader's destiny Hearts full of hate, scorn and spite They took back their belonging Fatherland Hearts full of hate, scorn and spite The took back what belonged to them The era of tolerance is closed Now it's time for revenge Let's take back our horses, our shields and swords In the name of our Heathen Ancestrors In the name of our Heathen Blood In the name of Wotan, Tyr and Thor We're going to Smash the well known Traitors !