Serving The PriestWithin the house of God the altar boys kneel not to pray but to serve the priest Their innocence taken and stripped from them, all in the name of Jesus Christ-No remorse from the holy father his Cock erected as the child bends over Sodomized as your God is laughing, his anus rips as the priest keeps on pounding Ejaculating he feels so alive and returns to his sermon, the child lays and cries Infested with the holy seed, questions why this was done to me He hides behind the cross, never to get caught And every day a child gets raped Parents won't believe, children cry and scream The world just ignores, behind church doors Another child is kneeling down, time again to open up your mouth Serving the Priest get on your knees Serving the Priest get on your knees Sickening pedophile sex, the church hides these defiling acts Look to the cross with disgust, blasphemy within the house of God The alter boys kneel not to pray but to serve the priest Their innocence taken and stripped from them, all in the name of Jesus Christ!Why did my God let this happen to me I only wanted to prayNow I don't believe, pure blasphemy. Fuck your damn church, shit on your Cross God is a lie and now I finally see the truth behind the lie called Christianity!