Dark Day Dawning

More Than This

Dark Day Dawning

Within the context of a pseudo-masquerade 
Masked by the electric hum of melodies 
The mask's removal feels so far away 
And so the truest form 
Indeed the naked form proclaims: 

The wasted nights spent counting lines like fingerprints along the ceiling 
The silent reveries that never claimed to see the light of day 
The proof of something real 
Something devoid of self 
Could shatter cityscapes 
Could stop a beating heart 
Yet could never produce 
One single awkward word 
A single broken thought 
A whispered declaration 

You never promised me a world without rain 
And never put out the sun 
Yet in the AM I've disowned you 
To see the smile that would burn itself into my heart 
To see the single teardrop fall the way I'd always dreamt it would 
To have every thought for just one second melt into words 
For just one breath 
And if life goes on the way it has 
These two meek decades past 
At least the lines upon my ceiling 
May forget my name 
If nothing else is born 
From this falling star 
At least I will know 
That I am capable of something 
Deeper than myself 
Deeper than our skin 

Nothing in this world has ever meant so much 
To me 
