Dark Celebration

Infernal Legions

Dark Celebration

In the presence of his fetid and 
immensurable cowardice 
Yours worshipers watched 
your rotness on the cross 
Stand despicable mortals 
Found the death in yourself blood 
Worshipers of evil, come and enjoy 
The god of fools is dead 

Your ideas perpetuated, 
but our fight is just beginning 
Satan, our noble master, 
Reveal himself 
Once again we open our minds 
to the pureness reality 
and his power to us he confide 
The darkness arise itself and once again expel 
Our ideas of domination under this deceived world 

I kill once again that coward 
If in this world he came back 
Your words once more will be 
Expurgate by our Infernal Legions