Saddening the evening air Omen ravens fly, sorrowful to see And a desolated stare Casts its weigh over me A whistle flies: Death shaves us all with his scythe! Sowing out a trail of fear A man can only grow Insanity and sadness He'll always walk alone Walking on a trail of tears A man can never learn The power lies within the truth That is in his soul. Look out! No one kicks against the power That paid the price for his deeds Oh don't be so surprised, ha ha ha (They) like the brimstone and the shadows (They) like the frantic bloody rage When they feel the bloodbath Falling in like rain Oh in greatest war a proud man fights, A proud man brags, He wars on Death for life, Not flags as one suppose Old chum, he laughs at him He drinks as he exults He drinks as if it was a Doomsday night!