Dark Avenger

Die Mermaid!

Dark Avenger

In my travels through the oceans of death 
Through her eyes now I see 
I cry to the heavens and beg to die! 

Odin God send me reaction 
to break the chains of insanity 
a Devilmaid is leading on my soul 
trapped in her eyes, tentacle voice 
who promised honey but gave me gal 
she's dedicated to drain all my blood 
hear the scream in my voice... 

Die Mermaid! with the hate and the anger 
That flows from your eyes 
I don't care all the evil you've made 
'Cos you know you've drawn all remains that I got 
and all that's left to cry Die Mermaid! 

Ladywhore staining the earth 
With your dirty prostitution 
Wait for the bloody revenge 
That I bring in my hands 
I've been dying a thousand times 
Living in the deeper hell 
Finally I wanna cry so "die baby die!" 
Feel the hands of the pain... 

Die Mermaid! I don't care if I die 
Once more in your arms 
My flesh doesn't burn anymore 
'Cos pain and pain brings breeze of hope 
someday I'll be free... 

Hear the wind blows over the night 
And listen to the news that it brings 
Hear the judgement it's your condemnation 
They are laughing, spitting and betting your fate 
Hear me again... 

Die Mermaid! With face on an angel 
You are gonna die! 
I don't know if we'll meet again 
Die Mermaid! Yeah! Die!