The human mind in the darkness time Its so confuse, its so afraid Feeling alone in an unexplored earth Needed to know answers about Nature - diseases - life - and death So - man - creates - God! Man creates God, not God creates man As a mirror of himself, full of doubts and human weakness And the lie begins with a new paradigm Exploration - discrimination - prejudice - wars Anything - goes - in the name of - God! Refrão: Religion is the final link Between man and ignorance Religion is the final link Between man And Ignorance !!! The humanity move on, progress - dark turns into light The wisdom open our frightened eyes - Miracles made by the human will - And the men conquer the world A new era has began - Science and Technology - Miracles made by the human will - again But some kind of involution happened And we still slaves Light in the dogma's darkness Still chained a one past mistake Don't believe in stupid things Stop repress himself Light in the dogma's darkness Shadow remains from our early days Shadow remains from our early days !!! Refrão: Religion is the final link Between man and ignorance Religion is the final link Between man And Ignorance !!! Open eyes, blinded by ignorance... (4x)