Aha, But Tom Paine Looked Ahead And to Those Tories Thomas Said No, No, No, No When You Got to Go, You Got to Go You Can't Stand Still On Freedom's Track If You Don't Go Forward, You Go Back You Can't Giddyup By Saying Whoa And Sitting On Your Status Quo -yes, Teacher! Yes, Teacher! Yes, Teacher! Yes, Teacher! To Washington At Valley Forge A Wise Guy Whispered Slow Down, George Why Start Up Trouble For the King This Freedom Racket Is a Corny Thing -this Freedom Racket Is a Corny Thing Your Troops Are Ickys They Can't Move You'll Never Get Them in the Groove So If You're Wise, You'll Just Lay Low And Play With the Guys That Have the Dough -you Don't Say Teacher, Is That So? Aha, But George Just Looked Ahead And to That Tory Georgie Said...no...no, No, No When You Got to Go, You Got to Go You Can't Stand Still On Freedom's Track If You Don't Go Forward, You Go Back You Can't Giddyup By Saying Whoa And Sitting On Your Status Quo -yes, Teacher! Yes, Teacher! Now Paul Revere Saw a Bellfry Light And That Boy Rode to Town One Night Sang to the Farmers Near and Far Here Come the British Beating Eight to the Bar One Slippery Tory Said Now Paul You're Manners Aren't Nice At All Turn Back, Don't Be An Old Hep Cat The Right People Don't Sing Like That -butpaul Revere Turn Him Down Flat Aha, That's Right, He Rode Ahead And to That Tory Paul Just Said, No, No, No, No When You Got to Go, You Got to Go You Can't Stand Still On Freedom's Track If You Don't Go Forward, You Go Back You Can't Giddyup By Saying Whoa And Sitting On Your Status Quo Yes, Teacher! Yes, Teacher! Yes, Teacher So, Students Now You're Hep, Don't Stop! Keep Stepping to That Freedom Hop Although the Tory's Beef and Blow To Keep You Sitting On Your Status Quo -to Keep You Sitting On Your Status Quo When They Say Let's Stand Still a Bit Give Up Some Rights, no Harm in It Remember Those Are Just the Tricks That Did Not Work in 76 -now Ain't That Right, the Same Old Tricks? Though Torys Talk: Don't Be Misled And Do What All Those Others Said No, No, No, No When You Got to Go, You Got to Go You Can't Stand Still On Freedom's Track If You Don't Go Forward, You Go Back You Can't Giddyup By Saying Whoa And Sitting On Your Status ... Sitting On, Yes, Sittin' On Your, Status... Quo! Oh!