Eddie: Our Boys Went Rat-tat-tat-tat, Rat-tat-tat-tat, And Shot the Kaiser Where He Sat-tat-tat-at. With Every Poppity-pop, Some Kraut Took a Drop. American Boys Are All Such Straight Shooters-- We'll Take Care of Him, Mother, When He Comes Home From the War. We'll Take Care of Him, Mother, We'll Do Everything That You Would Do--yeah--and More. Rat-tat-tat-tat, We'll Give Their Backs a Big Pat. They Deserve a Future Full of Joys 'cause They're Our Yankee Doodle, Yankee Doodle, Yankee Doodle, Doughboys. Company--order--arms--roll Call-- Company: I'm Private Jones From Arkansas, I'm Private Smith From Kansas, I'm Private Ryan From Maine, I'm Private Burke From Wisconsin, I'm Private O'brien From Texas, I'm Private Muntz From Michigan, Fanny: .i'm Private Schvartz From Rock-a-way, And I Guess You Heard Reports That the Kaiser Runs a Block Away When They Tell Him, Here Comes Schvartz, 'cause Ven I Get Mad, Believe It, Jack, Out From Nowhere Comes a Maniac, A Kick in the Foot, A Shot in the Pants-- I Wouldn't Give a Second Chance. Schvartz From Rock-a-way. Chorus: Private Schwartz Private Schwartz Private Schwartz From Rock-a-way. Fanny: I Met Mademoiselle From Armentieres And My Bagels Gave a Spin (Oy, Yoy), She Said, Private Schvartz, Come Closer, Dear! What a Tzimmis I Got In! Ven You're Fighting For Democracy, Call On Irving Schvartz and Company, I'm Through and Through Red, White and Bluish, I Talk This Way Because I'm British. Tell Far Rock-a-way, Don't Pull the Dock Away, 'cause Sailing Home Is General Schvartz. All: Rat-ta Ta Ta Ta Tat, We'll Give Their Backs a Big Pat. They Deserve a Great Big Medal And a Loud Huzzah, Over Here and Over There You'll Hear Rat-tat a Tat Tat, Rat-tat a Tat Tat, Rat Tat a Tat Tat Tat, That's Our Yankee Doodle, Yankee Doodle Rat Tat a Tat Tat Tat Hurrah.