Wish I Was a Kellogg's Corn Flake Floatin' in My Bowl Takin' Movies Relaxing a While ...livin' in Style Talkin' to a Raisin Who Occasionally Plays L.a. Casually Glancing At His Toupee Wish I Was An English Muffin Bout to Make the Most Out of a Toaster I'd Ease Myself Down Comin' Up Brown I Prefer a Boysenberry More Than Any Ordinary Jam I'm a Citizen For Boysenberry Jam Fans If I Become a Famous Lady Would You Put My Photo On Your Piano? >from Mary Jane.....best Wishes to Martin... Ooooh South California Oh Roger Draft Dodger Leavin By the Basement Door Everybody Knows What He's Tippe-toein' Down There For Wish I Was a Kellogg's Corn Flake Floatin' in My Bowl Takin' Movies Relax in a Whirl Livin' in Style...