Fanny Is Now Part of the Ziegfeld Follies. She Tells Florenz Ziegfeld She Doesn't Want to Be in the Finale Because She Finds the Lyrics Inappropriate But Ziegfeld Insists. Tenor: For Better Or For Worse, "oh Promise Me," Why Does Ev'ry Bride Glow Ravishingly? Within the Secret Heart of Ev'ry Bride These Are the Words Repeating, Repeating, Repeating Inside: (Bing, Bong, Bing, Bong) You Are the Beautiful Reflection Of His Love's Affection, A Walking Illustration Of His Adoration His Love Makes You Beautiful, So Beautiful, So Beautiful, You Ask Your Looking Glass, What Is It? Makes You So Exquisite? The Answer to Your Query Comes Back, Dearie-- His Love Makes You Beautiful, So Beautiful, So Beautiful, And Woman Loved Is Woman Glorified! You'll Make a Beautiful, Beautiful, Beautiful, Beautiful Bride! Chorus: Here Comes the Bride, Another Beautiful Bride. Ziegfeld Presents Her With Justifiable Pride. Fanny Enters With a Pillow Stuffed Under Her Bridal Gown So That She Appears Pregnant. Fanny: I Am the Beautiful Reflection Of My Love's Affection, A Walking Illustration Of His Adoration. His Love Makes Me Beautiful, So Beautiful, So Beautiful, Tenor: And Woman Loved Is Woman Glorified-- Fanny: I'll Make a Beautiful, Beautiful, Beautiful, Beautiful-- I'm Beautiful? Oy! Chorus: You Are So Beautiful, You Are So Beautiful, You Are So Beautiful, Tenor: Such a Beautiful Bride.