Dark Angels

Clicker Blues

Dark Angels

Remember When...
Online Was Where You Hung the Wash
And a Megabyte Was a Really Big Nosh
And If It Was a Virus You Got
You Went to the Doctor and Got a Shot, Uhhh.

Internet Or Interface
Download, Upload, Database
Pixel, Shmixle, Cyber Speak
They May As Well Be Speaking Greek!

Once... a Floppy Disk Meant You Had a Bum Back
A Hack Drove a Cab
And a Burgral Was a Mac
Modems, Chat Rooms, Dos and Dots
A Mouse in Your Pad, That's Why We Had Cats

Nowadays... You Need a Degree From Mit
To Operate Your Own Tv
I Used to Find a Channel Quicker
When All You Needed Was One Clicker
Listen, I Don't Mean to Bicker
But Now My Clicker Has a Clicker
And Each New Clicker Makes Me Sicker
If I Could Only Find a Clicker
To Turn All the Clickers Off!!!