As I turn off the lamp light and draw down all the shades I stop and I turn my head You're already in our bed And you're sleeping safe So I lay down next to you and gently brush your hair from your face Then slowly I close my eyes And slip into sleep's disguise To start dreaming of your warmth and grace ...I feel it But I'm starting to slip away into the deep vampiric haze I'm having the dream again The one where you leave again Without a single word or phrase I feel locked down and helpless as you slowly slip outside the door As if you don't even care As if I'm not really there I've lost the only thing that I adored ...I feel it Do you know what it feels like to be left stranded in our bed? I'm looking around the room Embraced by the cold and gloom And the demons creeping in my head And I'm caught by the darkness and in my blindness I think I see The shadows are shifting 'round They're moving up from the ground They're reaching out and taking over me They come down from the ceiling and they're shifting all across the walls I feel them haunting me I feel them corrupting me And there's nothing I can do at all Do you know what this feels like - always being pinned down by this pain? They've made up a place for me They're writing my eulogy My heart stops beating as they make their claim Now I'm hearing their voices; I'm listening fearful as the shadows call They read me their poetry They sing me their melodies ...A lament to my dying soul Music & Lyrics by J. Conway. Published by Black Halo Publishing Co. (ASCAP) © 2004/2006 Black Halo Entertainment.