My cabin in the woods is where I'll be Establishing a plan for a tunnel through reality So if the blinds are down leave me a note Or tie to the thread that unravels from my overcoat It's 11 days since I saw the Sun As the willows seem to remark upon When they whisper down to me Would a visitor be admissible If her presence was inexplicable In a passageway underneath a plane tree? Did we jump around in time? Beyond the yard we scaled the hill The sassafras became Yggdrasil And from the peak we climbed some more Until we beat the high score On Saturday I built a new machine To plot a revolution at home on a computer screen So if the power fails give me a sign One more antediluvian message from my valentine Would a visitor be a nervous wreck If she found herself in a discotheque In a passageway underneath a plane tree? See you in the wintertime Beyond the garden by the lake Where woodpeckers tap out a drum break Keep running till you find a cave And listen for the sine wave Hyperventilating in the factory of sound We orchestrate the framework for a sonic battleground Between the passengers aboard the submarine Opening the loft hatch in the house where you were born You journey back to childhood on your rocking unicorn Until you find yourself beside the green Beyond the field we made our mark A spiky font cut into the bark The formula for time machines And friendship neverending The rooftops are falling away Er float through the nimbus in Moon-bound ballet Molecular clusters are superimposed While back in my cabin the blinds are still closed