
Let It Be Captured


Tom: F

From: * (michael thomas fassbender)

        This is sort of a trial run for me, as I haven't 
posted a song before, so I'm sending in something fairly
short and simple.  This is how I've interpreted the song

        QuickTab is a Macintosh Tab Editor in the final
stages of beta testing.  For more information, please
contact Keith MacDonald (IKB_MAC@*).

x mute
b bend
r release
h hammer on
p pull off
~ vibrato
/ slide up
\ slide down
^^ tremolo



This seems pretty much to be the whole song, from start to
finish.  Start out fairly slow, with a more or less clean
sound, and as the song progresses, pick up the volume and 
some tempo, and then kick in the distortion.

        Michael Fassbender