HER: Forever HIM: Ohhhhhh BOTH: I´ll hold you close in my arms I can´t resist your charms HER: And love HIM: Oh, love BOTH: I´ll be a fool For you, I´m sure HER: You know I don´t mind HIM: Oh, you know I don´t mind BOTH: ´Cause you, You mean the world to me Oh HER: I know HIM: I know BOTH: I´ve found in you My endless love HIM: Oooh-woow BOTH: Boom, boom Boom, boom, boom, boom, booom Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom BOTH: Oooh, and love HIM: Oh, love BOTH: I´ll be that fool For you, I´m sure HER: You know I don´t mind HIM: Oh you know- BOTH: I don´t mind BOTH: And, YES You´ll be the only one ´Cause