Danny Calvert


Danny Calvert

I look into your eyes and I see the pain you hold inside
Aren't you tired of the lies you tell so you can hide
What if my friends don't accept me
I know

What if my parents reject me

I know
But you won't truely be you
Until you can say
I am a Catholic
That's me, I believe in the Holy Trinity

One, two, three

Shout it out and make them hear your voice
Your posse might not think it's dope
To confess your sins, and like the Pope
But this is who you are, it's not a choice

Not a choice

You say you're sleeping in
When you're going out, to mass
You cut school on Ash Wednesday
So nobody will ask
Your rosaries hid in your sock drawer

Oh, no

You sneek into church through the back door

Oh, no

Time to break out and break free
And finally say, I am Catholic
And I'm proud
Sing it strong, sing it loud
I won't deny who God meant me to be
Every night you kneel and pray
Stand up and be counting today
Out of the cloisters, and into the streets

Into the streets

We are your teachers
And you doctors
And your Buger King cashiers
We're your receptionist
And your interns
And your Amtrack engineers
We are your lawyers
And your tour guides
And don't forget your actors on TV

We are your parents
We are your parents!
And your brothers
We are your brothers!
And your children

And me!
I am a Catholic
Yes I am!
Long live the Vatican
God doesn't make mistakes and he made me
Let out what you've trapped inside
Come on and show your Catholic pride

That's how you were meant to be

I am Catholic, hear me roar
In numbers too big to ignore
And I'm not gonna hold, back no more
No you won't, you won't deny ooh
C-A-T-H-L-I-C, Catholic with a capital C
That's how it was meant
Ooh, ooh
That's how it was meant
That's how I was mea-a-a-a-a-ant
To be