I aint in no hurry at all, I can wait a thousand years, I can be satisfied with a smile, I aint into shedding no tears for nobody, And if you think, That I'm gonna come crawling back to you, On my hands and knees Baby what you on What you on What you taking What you on I aint gonna live forever, In fact I don't got much time to live, I watch the clock 24 hours a day, I got one life to live, One life only And if you think, That I'm wasting my time, If you think I'm wasting my life Baby what you on What you taking We can still be friends, And you can go out with other guys, I really don't mind, Cuz woman I gonna stay at home and bide my time And if you think That I mind it If you shack up with another man Let me tell you baby I LOVE IT I LOVE IT I LOVE IT I LOVE IT OH BABY I LOVE IT