Hungry humans Rootless man Just a number Avoid the question Of the truth Get the injection The good infection Take a drink Of spirited tunes Of spirited pop Of spirited tunes Pop tunes Poppy tunes 5th dimension Belt of truth Bible belt Bible belt Belt of truth 30 minutes After death Something called Ecoli Is detected In your nose You'll be decomposing In the dirt And you're cryin' Yourself to sleep Or your decomposing In the dirt And you're singing Yourself to sleep Hungry humans Dead man's wishes Is being sacred 1, 2, 3, 4!! Cold-blooded kid Bug infested Bein' tricky Big ol' traps It's the chemicals Bein' released In our blood that make us feel Like I want her No, I want her No, I want her We all brothers We all sisters Love can't lust Frail-body, break down Are you a member of the slaves? Of the slaves to their members?