I hear the voice of every generation: Listen to Him. Time stands still when I behold your Transfiguration: Listen to Him. I lift up my eyes; I see you alone. God said, "This is my beloved Son. Listen to Him." Alone with you, I climb up high; you lead the way. The light of a thousand suns illuminates your face. Though my eyes are weak, I behold the Son of Man. In your presence, Jesus, I see who I truly am. My heart grows cloudy, and I tremble with fear. I do not want to know the pain of darkness. I want to stay with you in the light. High on the mountain, far from the valley. Must I go down, Lord, before I rise? It is good that we are here--Jesus came to me It is good that we are here--and He touched my face It is good that we are here--Glory, Hallelujah, Do not be afraid!