Tom: E Chords: E Esus4 E|--0-----0---| B|--0-----0---| G|--1-----2---| D|--2-----2---| A|--2-----0---| E|--0-----0---| Strum pattern is like: [bass note] [down] [down] E Esus4 When they first came to your school cafeteria E Esus4 setting up tables and folding chairs while all around you the children sat squawking you were impatient to see what they had to share you were impressed with their pamphlets tri-folded with bullet point lists of the ways you could go offering chances to be part of legends you never thought you would be able to Soldier your grandpa died from a german man's courage to do what he thought was right and downwards he fell towards the mud like an extra in the background of a movie set well you packed your bags gave a kiss to your mother and walked out the door with a world on your shoulder you traded your hands for grenades and machine guns and boy you sung your battle cry so low mama mama can't you see what the army's done to me I used to date a beauty queen and now I hug my M16 mama mama can't you see they've made a Soldier out of me Soldier Soldier Soldier I know there are papers at the post office neatly arranged in a bin labeled draft forms and as I walk by them they scream and they're snarling threatening to take the man I love away