Tom: C E|E|E|E|E|------||E|E|------|||E|E|E|------||E|E|------|||E|E|E|------||E|E|------|||E|E|E|------||E|E|------|||E|E|E|------||E|E|------|||E|E|E|------||E|E|------|||E|E|------||-|| FEBRUARY - Daniela Andrade E|E|E|E|E|------||E|E|------|||E|E|E|------||E|E|------|||E|E|E|------||E|E|------|||E|E|E|------||E|E|------|||E|E|E|------||E|E|------|||E|E|E|------||E|E|------|||E|E|------||-|| Tabbed by:ndermawan Tuning: Standard -Tabbed at the request of Alex Camacho; thanks for the kind words buddy :) -Another great little song from Daniela, one that went under my radar! -Not so difficult to play, but Daniela sure does know how to make great catchy melodies! -Not really sure how to categorise the different verses/chorus/prechorus/bridge so....I've just named them what I want Chords Used: Fingerpick the C based chords and Strum everything else E|E|E|------||E|E|------||| C C/A C/B F Am -Strumming pattern for me is: 1 COUNT = 3 short down strokes, emphasising on each 1st strum. Should be easy enough to get the strumming rhythm if you listen Intro/general guitar part: Just simply changing bass note of C chord - to A then to B and back to C E|E|E|------||E|E|------|||E|E|E|------||E|E|------|||-- C C C/A C/B C C C/A C/B | Repeat e|E|E|E|------||E|E|------|||E|E|E|------||E|E|------|||E|E|E|------||E|E|------|||E|E|E|------||E|E|------|||--| again B|E|E|------||1-----1-----1-----1-----1-----1-----1-----1-| G|----0-----0-----0-----0-----0-----0-----0-----0---| D|E|E|E|------||E|E|------|||E|E|E|------||E|E|------|||E|E|E|------||E|E|------|||E|E|E|------||E|E|------|||--| A|--3-----3-----0-----2-----3-----3-----0-----2-----| E|E|E|E|------||E|E|------|||E|E|E|------||E|E|------|||E|E|E|------||E|E|------|||E|E|E|------||E|E|------|||--| X2 Referenced as PART 1 from now on! Verse: E|E|------|| C C C/A C/B You were born spring and C C C/A C/B C I was the ever white snow -PART 1- C C C/A C/B You melt me down to nothing but C C C/A C/B c puddles on the wide ranging road -PART 1- Prechorus: E|E|------||---- F F And ooooooo-oooh, Don't you know what you do -PART 1 (start at 'do')- Verse 2: E|E|------||-- C C C/A C/B You're the river C C C/A C/B C flowing right under my skin -PART 1- C C C/A C/B You melt me down to nothing and C C C/A C/B C break through the ice I built in -PART 1- Prechorus: E|E|------||---- F F And ooooooo-oooh, Don't you know what you do -PART 1 (start at 'do')- F F Yeah ooooooo-oooh, oh you're soakin' right through -PART 1 (start at 'through')- Chorus: Last part is 4 counts of F, then strum once and let ring E|E|------||- - no strumming for 'No it isn't far away') F F F Cause what's the use of holding on to last year's ice F Am Am when I know that you'll break through anyways Am Am and February isn't far a- F F what's the use of holding on to last year's ice F Am Am when I know that you'll break through anyways Am F and February isn't far away No it isn't far away -PART 1 (start at 'away')- Prechorus: E|E|------||---- F F And ooooooo-oooh, Don't you know what you do -PART 1 (start at 'do')- F F Yeah ooooooo-oooh, yeah you're soakin' right through -PART 1 (start at 'through')- Chorus: +prechorus background singing. Last part is 4 counts of F, then strum once and let ring E|E|------||- - no strumming for 'No it isn't far away') F F F Cause what's the use of holding on to last year's ice F Am Am when I know that you'll break through anyways Am Am and February isn't far a- F F what's the use of holding on to last year's ice F Am Am when I know that you'll break through anyways Am F and February isn't far away No it isn't far away Outro: PART 1 x2 E|E|------|| C C C/A C/B C C C/A C/B x2 End on C bass note. ================================================================================ Daniela's Links: E|E|E|------||E|E|------|||---- ************************************ | / slide up | \ slide down | h hammer-on | p pull-off | ~ vibrato | + harmonic | x Mute note | b Bend | pb Pre-bend | br Bend release | pbr Pre-bend release | brb Bend release bend