Some say happiness is found by the sea Speading itself out like a blanket over you, over me Sunrise crashing into sunset, Fresh rain mixing with salty water. My eyes turned cloudy while fresh rain turned salty by the sea. So fresh rain and salty water Cloudy eyes and tears Crashing sunrise into sunset Rolling ocean drown my fears If my eyes got cloudy I'd still know if you passed me by I feel you next to me You breathe so soft, so light With your skin under moonlight Still I can't help but wonder When you touched me did your heart stand my? So fresh rain and salty water Cloudy eyes and tears Crashing sunrise into sunset Rolling ocean drown my fears It just feels like drowning, How you fill my mind. With a heart so deep That I can't sleep That I can not dream tonight With everything focused on you, on me I can't sleep, I can't dream So fresh rain, salt water, fall on me So fresh rain and salty water Cloudy eyes and tears Crashing sunrise into sunset Rolling ocean drown my fears So fresh rain and salty water Cloudy eyes and tears Salty tears turn clean Rolling ocean spread over me