Tom: G D A N D Y W A R H O L S Tabbed By Aaron Bridgeman (*) http://* KEY: ~ = sustain / vibrato / = slide up Here we go. MAIN CHORDS: e|-0--0--0--0--2--0--3--0-| B|-1--0--1--0--3--1--3--0-| G|-2--1--2--1--2--2--0--1-| D|-2--2--2--2--0--2--0--2-| A|-0--2--0--2-----0--2--2-| E|----0-----0--------3--0-| They're The Chords. Play them strummed normally, but you need to strum the first few chords once later in the song, then continue as normal. CHORDS FOR "Hey, Come On..." BIT: e|-0--0--0--3-| B|-1--0--1--3-| G|-2--1--0--0-| D|-2--2--2--0-| A|-0--2--3--2-| E|----0-----3-| LEAD: e|---------------------------------------| B|---------------------------------------| G|-5~--4~--2-4-5~--4~--2-4-7~--2~--2/4~~-| D|---------------------------------------| A|---------------------------------------| E|---------------------------------------| `HEY' BIT: e|-0-----------------------| B|-1------------------5----| G|-2- multiple times -5-4--| D|-2------------------5-5--| A|-0------------------3-5--| E|----------------------3--| That's about it.