If Barry bonds is really taking something To hit make him hit more homers than before They gotta throw him out of the game, sir They gotta throw him out the door Then burn the porn films with all the girls with implants Burn the poetry by men who took lithium as boys Your erection compliments of Levitra Is hereby rendered null and soft and void Then rip the contact lenses from your eyes, sir You're not really supposed to see naturally that well No more flu shots or antibiotics You're supposed to still be sick my friend In the future they say we're gonna live 180 years, or 200 And you know they'll be some jerk going around pointing Saying you're supposed to be dead, supposed to be dead Disgrace by hint and suspicion It's point and cast a cloud of instant shame And the president stamps the witch hunt with approval And McCarthy gets sent back into the game I'd like to now make a statement I'd like to make a statement now For a three-year period I was taking steroids And my songs for that time are now in doubt I apologize to my family I apologize to you, the fans I apologize to the very craft of songwriting I'll take my punishment with all the grace I can God Said No and Black Tornado, throw 'em out I wrote them while the juice was in my veins Everything I've sung since Fuck the Monkey Go ahead and throw it down the drain Imagine a world where everyone's taking something Imagine such a world then just for fun Imagine the president's taking smart pills That'd be even better than 73 home runs Disgrace by hint and suspicion It's point and cast a cloud of instant shame And the president stamps the witch hunt with approval And McCarthy gets sent back into the game 73 73 73 home runs 73 73 73 home runs