Damn Yankees

High Enough

Damn Yankees

Tom: D

[Primeira Parte]

I don't want to hear about it anymore
It's ashame i've got to live without ya anymore
E                                                           D 
Theirs a fire in my heart a pounding 

In my brain driving me crazy
We don't need to talk about it anymore
Yasterdays just a memory and we close the door
E                                                                    D 
I just made one mistake i didn't know 

What to say when you called me babby


E     F   G         F        G          A       F  G 
Don't say goodnight say your ganna stay forever oh uhways
D               A    Bm        Em                          G     A 
Can you take me high enough to fly me over

Fly me over  yesterday
D               A    Bm     Em               
Can you take me high enough it's never over
Yesterday's just a memory

Yesterday's just a memory

[Segunda Parte]

I don't want to live without ya anymore
Can't you see i'm in misery and ya know for shore
I would live and die for you and 

I'd know just what to do when you
Call me babby


E     F   G         F        G          A    F   G  
Don't say goodby say your ganna stay forever ooh uh
D               A    Bm    
Can you take me high enough and to fly me over
  Em                   G  A
Fly me over  yesterday
D               A    Bm     Em        
Can you take me high enough it's never over 
Yesterday's just a memory of running

I was running for the door the next 

Thing i remember i was running for my door