Hazy clouds loom over urban landscape Watch the broken man speak broken words that vibrate. You can watch my people die at a high rate... (They) Concerned with shiny things, And thick ass hips that gyrate I kept my mind straight for quarter century As so-called Mc's spit rhymes from nurseries It's irking me as I wander woeful path of poverty How they eying me and have no respect for poetry Pure anger keeps building internal, Liquid language to manage my mental Topple holy temples, Await the brimstone with open arms Bloody palms I smear on psalms to keep me calm Fallen icons reborn on local access stations Promise salvation for only $2.99 Turn water to wine Give sight to the blind But all in due time.... All in due time... Fractured paradigm speaks in broken circles Secular men, though wise, Haven't digested verbals. I gaze through glazed eyes that view me as indigent. Innocence lost by last tribe of dirty life My meaning's between my left lung and my mic You listen too close to these rhymes I recite Ignite thoughts in those thought gone But a pawn who upset the whole scheme. Message in morphine. And or live? And or die? And or breath? And or die? I speak from soured milkcrates verses thrown to fate Thought you could recognize what once were the breaks Mindstate irrate as I wander aimlessly One to the head could end this painlessly Shamelessly I speak to self on street corners Handed change as street performer Coronors pack morgues like clubs As kids pack their guns Cause everyone wants to outshine the Sun As night ends at dusk Forgot which truth to trust In midst of getting bent your iron will turns rust Stand at cusp of changing earth Remain amongst the dirt Quench thirst with viscous red liquid Reality shifted in different existence Your fiction sells millions My truth waits to die I arrive with bloodshot eyes where I was never welcomed Seldom speak in complete sentence Thoughts kept condensed Connect with essence of entire subculture Physical still tortured Mental nurtured in nocturne I watch them watch me out of corner of eye Pupils dilate I speak ancient daleks Emote traits of my forefathers Travel further back to days of drums When chants spoken not sung Heavily hung Upon ancient tounge. And or live? And or die? And or breath? And or die?