It's been here for near on thirty years Wish I had a dime for every time sombody cried a tear in their beer And a penny for every smile and Ginny gave out At the honkiest tonkiest beer joint, in town 45's are on the jukebox, some old some new They say "Hello there, pull up a chair, what can I get for you?" Well that's just small talk to help you feel at home when you come 'round The honkiest tonkiest beer joint, in town If you're out on that side of town You wanna shoot some pool or just shoot a cool one down Rose's pickled eggs and sausage are by the pound At the honkiest tonkiest beer joint, in town 45's are on the jukebox, some old some new They say "Hello there, pull up a chair, what can I get for you?" Well that's just small talk to help you feel at home when you come 'round The honkiest tonkiest beer joint The honkiest tonkiest beer joint The honkiest tonkiest beer joint, in town