
In Gods Name


Hear the crack of a bullet down on seventh avenue tonight
Man lies bleeding on the floor
Hear the cry of the cop car as the streets are filled with blue and white
They all rush into the clinic door

And Im never gonna know how you ever get to sleep at night
And justify the things you do
With your hand on the Bible, you say you killed a killing man
Well mister what does that make you?

And its all in the name of God
And its all in the name of God

See the crosses burning, lighting up the southern sky
Feel the hatred in the air
Slip into your white robe, to cover up your blackened heart
You dont become that cross you wear

And its all in the name of God
And its all in the name of God
Hear the newsmen talking, but they dont help me understand
No I cant claim to comprehend
See the buildings tumbling, so I drop a knee and say a prayer
For the city thatll never ever sleep again

And its all in the name of God
And its all in the name of God

And we all got our ways to justify the things we hate
We all got our ways of throwing the first stone
But if you wanna hate, then please leave God alone