Dahlgren Eva

Drömmaren Och Muren

Dahlgren Eva

Don't pick on me
I'm no one
Don't pick on me
It's no use
Don't pick on me
I'm nothing
Don't pick on me
I cannot lose
Ain't worth trying
I just lie me a truth
Don't pick on me
I'm no good
Don't pick on me
It takes time to change
I don't know if I want to
Fantasy world is a lovely place
I live in closed rooms
With closed eyes
And lovely lies
Don't push, don't push
I don't want, don't want
Your reality don't need me
Don't puch, don't push
I don't want, don't want
I've got my paradise inside of me
don't push
Don't pick on me
I'm happy
Don't pick on me
I don't bother you
My fantasy is a lovely picture
Your reality is an ugly truth
So go on crying
While I laugh me a truth
Don't pick on me
I'm stronger
Don't try to pick on me
while I'm in here
I've got lifetime protection
Rollerblind in my mind
Open slightly
What do I see
Everything I don't want to be