On the Hill of Agony, Sitting on his throne, Zul'Dahr could feel a force Which make him shake. For a moment fear tried to overtake him. Willing to know the cause of this He decided to visit Mogrod, his brother, The Rotting One. The keeper of the Cauldron of Death, The gate to the underworld Reigned by Demons. The Cauldron of Death! Living in the deepest caves Surviving of blood and flesh Of human bodies Lengthy tortured till death, Giving the special flavor Of fear and pain. As the emperor opened the door, With behind, the stairs leading to the deepest cave, A strong and disgusting smell of rotting flesh Embraced him, as to welcome him. After just a moment of doubt He walked down, on the moist and slippery stairs by blood dripping from walls and ceiling, To meet his rotting brother sitting In the middle of half dispatched carcasses. "O rotting brother of mine, I come to you, I felt a threat and I'm wondering Look in your Cauldron and brighten my mind" "There is a man, In the forest of Bordearon, Who can, somehow, Mean the end Of your reign of terror. Mallek is his name." After this gloomy omen, An imperial horde left for Bordearon. Terrifying warriors, leaded by Albator, The Invincible One In order to destroy the threat.