May I tell you of my passion of the dead Erotic only in it's subtext Experimental fantasy, realized just recently Gourmets, but only of a subset Beware ya pauper Likewise ye men of power We hunters roam the sea Seeking whom we may devour Beware ya pauper Likewise ye men of power We hunters roam the sea Seeking whom we may devour We drifted on Till starvation struck and decency was gone And now we have changed We gleefully embrace a life deranged The finest wines, like vinegar, fall bitter from my lips Like soot and ash, the choicest roasted game The taste I crave, a scarlet flow in transit to the crypts Each meal I savor had a name Beware ya pauper Likewise ye men of power We hunters roam the sea Seeking whom we may devour Beware ya pauper Likewise ye men of power We hunters roam the sea Seeking whom we may devour We drifted on Till starvation struck and decency was gone And now we have changed We gleefully embrace a life deranged We butcher the flesh of the living To consume the flesh of the dead Our legend grows as empty vessels drifts into the ports No sign of crew save the blood stains on the deck All men shall quake at the mention of our names A plague in every tongue dialect We drifted on Till starvation struck and decency was gone And now we have changed We gleefully embrace a life deranged When winds do blow Cold enough to chill your very soul And when the tempest wails Keep one eye on the sea for scarlet sails