Battle Speed, the captain calls.... The enemy's In sight.... On your Oars, every man.... The drum Is beating faster, faster.... Through The waves, this vessel glides.... Propelled By blood and tears... Bones Will shatter, muscles tear.... We must Obey our master, master.... Row! row! The war machine fueled.... By the Blood of it's slaves.... Onward Through the endless.... Crashing Waves.... Row! row! The war machine fueled.... By the Blood of it's slaves.... Onward 'til the captain sends us.... To our Graves.... Full, speed, ahead.... Through countless miles of ocean we Have bled.... Full, speed, ahead.... We'll push this mighty ship until The day we are dead.... Attack Speed, the captain calls.... The enemy Draws near.... Whip Meets flesh as spirits break.... The drum Is beating faster, faster.... Pull the Oars, with all your might.... Thirsty Swords await us.... Slaves And plunder, all the same.... Possessed By others ever, after.... Stripes On our backs.... The sign Of the lash.... A cruelty That can't be forgot.... Memories Remain.... Of the Ones that were slain.... Long After our corpses all rot.... Ramming Speed, the captain calls.... The enemy Must die.... Every Single enemy will die before the day is done.... The drum Is beating faster, faster.... Kill them All! kill them all!.... The Captain screams in rage.... The hull Gives in, the sea bursts forth.... This ship Is headed for disaster