Boy's your're dealing with the devil and you got burnt Made a gamble, easy to forget that life is fragile And I know your first instinct's to scramble, but listen to me ramble for a minute Maybe I can help you find a handle on the situation Maybe you could travel to these other lands and battle in the Devil's name and rattle Trample ample bosses in there own keep, going 30 shmoes deep Cup Head turned into the boogeyman and no sleep For my adversaries, the alternative beware is scary, you'll loose that little Cup Head and you're good as buried I'm a man of my word, do this and I'll send you on your marry way Only got two choices anyway! So make it, otherwise I'll turn you into bacon, this is Satan that you're dealing with my threats are never vacant Never faking anything I say so do we have a deal? Oh we do? Well I guess I won't have to make you squeal Hey Cuphead! Yes Mugman? Why'd we roll the bones with Beezlebub Hot damn! We can make a plan Roam around the land Do the devil's dirty work instead Hey Mugman! Yes Cuphead? Why'd we roll the bones with Beezlebub Hot damn! We can make a plan Roam around the land Do the devil's dirty work instead I don't know mug, the thought of me fighting I wanna throw up, I'm just a cup Not a viking I'm frightened just to show up I know it's all about surviving but What if they have lightening, I'll be dying anyway So what's the point of even hiking And doing the devil's bidding, hmmmm Well you have a valid observation We can die or take a small vacation And take our chances against a mob of different races And different species and sizes, and see who rises victorious Not fighting for glory, but man it's glorious Who thought a couple of cups could be labelled battle warriors Carrots or potatoes, they're all getting halo's So if you're a boss, my suggestion is you lay low So we have a deal already to sign on the dotted line Cus I don't wanna die I'd be giving up if I don't try Mugman, let's go battling demons Conquering the land all in the name of freedom Hey Cuphead! Yes Mugman? Why'd we roll the bones with Beezlebub Hot damn! We can make a plan Roam around the land Do the devil's dirty work instead Hey Mugman! Yes Cuphead? Why'd we roll the bones with Beezlebub Hot damn! We can make a plan Roam around the land Do the devil's dirty work instead