Babylon I sure Jah Jah blessings today Babylon I sure Jah Jah blessings tomorrow Guetto youths king of kings Selassie I don't let I feel the pain Almighty Jah Rasta breack every chains Jah Jah children moving faster Look down inna Babylon big disaster Smoke I great callie chalie Keep on meditation style Light up the chalice, lighy up the spliff Emperor Selassie is the king of all king's CHORUS This ya guetto youth prepare your way for tomorrow No more feel the pain no shame no more sorrow Bless up, bless up give thanks for your mother Bless up, bless up, give love for the father Show your love for the sons and doctors Love fo the sisters and brother Jah Jah love for the prettys and ladys, for the womans and babys Now I can to see the light Action, change moving in Jah Jah side I know anyway praise Jah Jah more strongher Jah Jah bless everything in my life get longer CHORUS Well a me praise RastafarI king Emperor Selassie I show and revel Kings of kings open the seven seal Me praise Jah Jah name RastafrI still (intro) Blessing Fya Repatriation Marcus Garvey make a black star linner Blessing Fya Remember Marcus Garvey prophecy black messiah King Selassie I in flash, is Almighty Jah Jah Chanting akete nyabinghi Jah Jah fya Fya fi burn weked fya fi burn vampire