I remember sixty eight though I was a sperm I had so much left to learn so many different future heartburns I came out in '69 thought the world was fine but I grew up a different guy since 1969 even if I know I'm not the melancholy kind if I'd known what I'd find I'd've gotten back in and stayed behind for now I think I've seen too much too much to forget to take me back to where it's at to 1969 sitting in a Paris bar i saw the Concorde crash we were born the very same day we were bound to fly much faster oh my little steely bird come to meet your end and fly me back from where we came to 1969 no, I don't think I regret any single year it's so easy to look back I've been there and I've done that so now stop the custom Cadillac light the flashy tails and drive me back in style and grace to 1969