[Verse One] 
Got to get my weight up 
Everyday that I wake up 
Is another day close to the grave 
Now there's a cross that I take up 
Everyday that I wake up 
It's good just to know that I'm saved 
That puts a smile on my face 
Just thinking about His grace 
I've been saved since five years old 
When momma told me to scrape 
All the food on the plate 
Plus the greatest story that's been told 
She taught me John 3:16 
By the time I was 16 
I was broadcasting my faith 
I was telling the good news 
I knew that I couldn't lose 
Especially if my behavior was straight 
'Cause it's one thing to talk, it's another thing to live 
Like Christ when you get with your friends 
So you can show them how Christ, can transform a life 
In addition to forgiving your sins 

Now if you're standing right here 
And you're hearing me loud and clear 
And when it comes to the message of Christ 
You ain't scared 
Let me hear you say- Go! 
Come on let me hear you say- Go! 
And if your in a good mood 
And you know that you can't lose 
If you talk to a person 
And give them the good news 
Let me hear you say- Go! 
Let me hear you say- Go! 

[Verse Two] 
Sometimes it's beautiful 
Other times I'm fuming 
When I go to a funeral- why 
Because the preacher that's ruling 
The pulpit is fooling them 
Pulling the wool over their eyes 
So now what's a man to think 
When in every single case 
The preacher boldly exclaims 
Though he never claimed to be saved 
And he died from aids 
That he's still in a better place 
Now I leave confused 
And the people leave confused 
And the family is comforted, but 
It's under the false pretense 
That once a weekend 
Is all that Jesus wants 
So you know that it's our job 
To open up their eyes 
With the truth that's found in the script 
So we can't afford to hide, the treasure that's inside 
Let's bless the world with this wonderful gift 
Let's give it to them 


[Verse Three] 
Can't be ashamed, of going against the grain 
Got to pray- lest we fall into sin 
You know the sin of not, speaking the truth in the word of God 
'Cause you're afraid of losing a friend 
Now if you saw your friend 
About to get hit by a car 
You would run and push them out of the way 
Because you love him, you would shove him 
To keep the taker from shoveling that brown dirt over his grave 
Now if you would go to great lengths 
To save a man's life 
'Cause you don't want to see them die on the road 
Then tell me how much more 
Should you tell him about the Lord 
Because you care about the state of his soul 
Now there is so much more 
That I really wanted to say 
But I chose to keep it simple and light 
So keep teaching- keep preaching 
The world they need Jesus 
Much more than we need to be liked 
