
Worlds Between Us


Explicit lyrics poke into your brain
They talk to you but you can´t hear
You don´t wanna hear?
I sit inside and watch the screen 
Cause I see you behind the scene
I talk to you but you can´t hear 
You don´t wanna hear!

There were other times when I expected another script
When you talked to me, you talked to me
Haven´t heard a thing since then only silence started speaking 
When you talked to me, you talked to me

Your house, your job, your fucking car
There are worlds between us
Stick your stories up your fucking ass
I couldn´t care less.
Times have gone when we were friends and shared one point of view
Stick your stories up your fucking ass
I couldn´t care less.

I guess that´s life when people change friends come and go
Cause nothing, really nothing lasts forever
Sometimes it hurts and sometimes it doesn´t matter
But I hate it when we meet and talk about the weather