God's favorite


Hey folks, believe in me 
Coz I'm a disciple can't you see 
Avoid the horrors of the big microwave 
The instant dinner for the man in the cave 
I'm sure the lord will forgive you your faults 
U just give me your gold & follow my call 
I'm one hell of a kid 
I'm Gods favorite 

Coz me & the lord got this heavenly deal 
He is my master & he taught me to steal 
Yeah, me & the lord got this 50/50 split 
Coz the old man says I'm one hell of a kid 
Yeah, the old man says I'm one hell of a kid 
I must be God's favorite 
Yeah I'm God's favorite 

I'm son of the creator 
I make a blind man hear 
Now you just open your purse feel the lord's near 
Coz he knows your world It's written down in his book 
& I'm his clerk & I know what you took 
So see u next time at the Jesus-show® 
Where blessings are costly & you can't say no 

Coz me & the lord got this heavenly deal 
He is my master & he taught me to steal 
Yeah, me & the lord...

Hey folks listen to me 
I'm one of God's boys can't you see? 
I got the answers and you will seek em 
Remember the dollars u saved over this weekend 
Sins for free but it costs to confess 
So your life lately has it been a mess 
Coz we got your record & we know what u did 

Coz me & the lord ...

U know me & big G don't give blessings for free 
Gimme what u got or come down where it's hot 
I can rap with Saint Peter & tell what u did