
Uran Breath


Dig for ancient coal treasures
To enter the soil vessels
Dig for the purest essence of uranium
The king of elements

Through deep mines and toxic pits
Shaft by shaft
Enlarge the mine
Expand barehanded
Radon crawls into cells
Entombed torch of past ablaze
Turn future to dark

Return with treasures from the mine
Stored in body and soul
Radon stuck in home walls from those who seek refuge

Where roots were torn from fertile soil
Where sons of mine fell in nuclear dusk
Where men sieve seeds in gardens of ash
Where humans pulverize humans to dust

Cancer for the servant
Uranium for the king
Treasures lying deeper than one can dig its grave

Granite and rhyolite
Vulcanic hatchery
Grinded black powder out of Earth's entrails

Pressure and time forge mineral accessory
The fossil raid forges past and future to present

The power of impact increased by mass effect
Ultimate chemicals towards assailable organisms

Where roots were torn from fertile soil
Where sons of mine fell in nuclear dusk
Where men sieve seeds in gardens of ash
Where humans pulverize humans to dust

Disposal pits turn shallow where mankind's existence is wiped out by war
Combat vehicles, vessels of death
Atomized by projectiles when nothing is left

Where men sieve seeds in gardens of ash
Where humans pulverize humans to dust
Cancer for the servant
Uranium for the king
Treasures lying deeper than one can dig its grave