Cyndi Lauper

Zero Landmine

Cyndi Lauper

This Is My Home
The Land Of My Mother
The Place I Play 
With Sisters And Brothers
The Trees Are Rooted
In The Ground Beneath
Take Away The Violence
Give The Earth Back Its Peace

This Is Our World
Our Common Salvation
It Knows No Borders
It Serves No Nation
The Same Sun Shines Equally
On Those Beneath
Take Away The Violence
Give The Earth Back Its Peace

There's Fire In The Ground
In The Space Between The Trees
In The Forests and Fields
On Pathways, In Dreams

The Stars Are Whispering
To The Ground Beneath
Take Away The Darkness
Give The Earth Back Its Peace

Who Painted The Green Grass Red 
With Danger
Who Coloured The Big Sky Blue
With Sorrow
A Strong Wind Carrying Fear
And Anger
Came And Went And Stole Tomorrow

This Is My Home
The Land Of My Mother
The Place I Play 
With Sisters And Brothers
The Trees Are Rooted
In the Ground Beneath
Take Away The Violence
Give the Earth Back Its Peace

The Same Sun Shines Equally
On Those Beneath
Take Away The Darkness
Give The Earth Back Its Peace

Like Trees We're Rooted
In the Ground Beneath
Take Away the Violence
Give the Earth Back Its Peace

Give The Earth Back Its Peace....

Esta é minha casa
The Land Of My Mother
The Place I Play
Com as Irmãs e Irmãos
As árvores estão enraizadas
No solo sob
Take Away The Violence
Dar a terra de volta a sua paz

Este é o nosso mundo
Da nossa comum salvação
Não tem fronteiras
Não serve a nenhum Nation
O Sol brilha igualmente Same
Aqueles sobre Beneath
Take Away The Violence
Dar a terra de volta a sua paz

Há Fire In The Ground
No espaço entre as árvores
Nas florestas e campos
Em Pathways, In Dreams

As estrelas são Whispering
Para o solo sob
Take Away The Darkness
Dar a terra de volta a sua paz

Que pintou a Red Green Grass
Com Danger
Quem Coloured The Blue Sky Big
Com Sorrow
Um vento forte Levar Medo
E Raiva
Veio e foi e roubou Amanhã

Esta é minha casa
The Land Of My Mother
The Place I Play
Com as Irmãs e Irmãos
As árvores estão enraizadas
No solo sob
Take Away The Violence
Dê a Terra Voltar Sua Paz

O Sol brilha igualmente Same
Aqueles sobre Beneath
Take Away The Darkness
Dar a terra de volta a sua paz

Como árvores Estamos Enraizado
No solo sob
Take Away da Violência
Dê a Terra Voltar Sua Paz

Dar a terra de volta a sua paz ....