Fly two thousand miles you say, you're heading south for what? To get stuck with pebbles up your beak, are ya nuts? Rain and sleet and ice and snow, that's all that's waiting here. I hear lightning, vacation calling, fiesta time is near. Chorus: Oh oh everything will work out fine. Everyone who goes with me will have a real good time. Hurry up, it's getting late. You've got a choice to make, but just don't make it a mistake. Right, think twice. No statues, buildings, or centeral park, there's nothing much to see. The tallest place were you can land, is called a tree. Fries and chips with nacho cheese, is all that we will take. Packed with people dropping food, they call it all spring break. Chorus: Oh oh everything will work out fine. Everyone who goes with me will have a real good time. Hurry up, it's getting late. You've got a choice to make, but just don't make it a mistake.