Cymbals Eat Guitars


Cymbals Eat Guitars

Tom: Em

Em:       0-2-2-0-0-(0)-(0)
Dadd4/F#: 2-0-0-0-x-x
G:        3-2-0-0-(0)-(0)
Cmaj7/G:  3-3-2-0-0-(0)
Emmaj7:   0-2-1-0-x-x
Dadd4:    x-5-4-0-3-x
Eb:       x-6-5-0-4-x

Em      Dadd4/F# G       Cmaj7/G
This contusion - colored evening 

Em  - G – Em – G

Em    Dadd4/F#      G     Cmaj7/G
maybe you paint the silhouette 
       Em              G         Em     Emmaj7
of the gaunt tree line singed in ninety seven 
     Cmaj7/G   Emmaj7        G
when wildfires threatened my development 
        Dadd4                        C
and the swallowed towns the Klan had founded 
           Dadd4                C
the shaded sand dens were party caverns 
               Dadd4                     C
for them who'd come hallucinate while we slept 
            Dadd4                     C
scaring our rabbits to death in their hutches 
        Dadd4          Eb      Em     Emmaj7
I can't remember how I used to live 
            Cmaj7/G   G
but they've all cased their jumps 
Em   Emmaj7 Cmaj7/G      G
fatally I   willed it to be 
       Em       Emmaj7    Cmaj7/G   G
in the hours of blankness preceding sleep 
       Dadd4/F#       Emmaj7   Cmaj7/G - G
oh the years we waste faking remorse 

[Guitar Solo]


Em    Dadd4/F# G      Cmaj7/G
every decision I have ever made 

Em  - G – Em – G

Em       Dadd4/F#  G             Cmaj7/G
bred the branching future's mute howlers 
     Em               G
with burst-vessel red eyes 
Em        Emmaj7
roaring inaudibly 
       Cmaj7/G          Emmaj7                 G
on the freezing morning walk to the dim corner grocery 
     Dadd4                C
what hangs over big empty country 
          Dadd4                  C
reborn in negatives of photos of dusk 
          Dadd4                  C
regret so huge it's on a phantom axis 
         Dadd4                   C
receding beaches hissing hearing damage 
                   Dadd4                         C
and the miles-long column of cold moonlight cast across 
                   Dadd4          Eb       Em   Emmaj7
still seas when my nose begins to bleed 
        Cmaj7/G   G            Em         Emmaj7
some submitted to having their lights put out 
   Cmaj7/G         G
by basement thrill killers 
       Em             Emmaj7      Cmaj7/G        G
in the neighborhood I heard being murdered is no experience 
Dadd4/F# Emmaj7        Cmaj7/G    G
ten or   eleven wounds in 
                  Cmaj7/G  G            Cmaj7/G
in it's not about Satan or anything you just die 
it's weird