The cycles close It's life taking you to other ways I know that memories bring relief But our image is shaped by mistakes Connected paths that show the true feelings about yourself When they appear don't doubt just believe Go or stand still and they will come Get off the phone and live We've all made this mistake so let's change it now Somebody stronger doesn't feel the pain Forgetting is not an option, that’s not who I am All this may seem strange Even if you never see them again They taught you something You changed their lives and they changed your mind It's all just one level in the game When they appear don't doubt just believe Go or stand still and they will come Get off the phone and live We've all made this mistake so let's change it now Now you regret all this As if time was sand falling down from your hands You didn't notice me why would you notice them Broken circles open doors for a new life When you insist in a mistake you're blocking an open sight