Sunspot activity has got something to do with earthquake activity, There is some kind of a connection. Now everyone in the scientific community is aware of that fact That solar science, that the sun is much less quiet now Than it has been during most solar minimums And they are expecting the next solar max to be a doozy And when does it reach it's apogee? In 2012 Does this mean that what is going to be happening here is an incredible Challenge for the human species, sort of a sink or swim. We are living in the pristine universe, We are floating, fish floating in a comfortable ocean. Is that water about to just be poured out or bled and may The best fish learn how to grow feet and lungs, Is that what's happening? 2012 Sunspot activity has got something to do with earthquake activity, There is some kind of a connection. Does this mean that what is going to be happening here is an incredible Challenge for the human species, sort of a sink or swim. And when does it reach it's apogee? In 2012