Current 93


Current 93

(Monstrum in fronte, monstrum in animo. 
Process, Process, slum full of fun) 

Beausoleil, soleil soleil soleil soleil 
Beausoleil, reaping Nirvana in a desert land 
Beausoleil, Thine anger rising like a scorpion 
Beausoleil, dune buggy baby on a fairground slide 
Beausoleil, the taste of honey and the swirl of flies 
Beausoleil, jackbooting wide-eyed in the widest pit 
Beausoleil, looking at smiles and seeing nly grins 
Beausoleil, did dead gods smell when the dog's blood rose 
Beausoleil, now all Thine summers turn to menstrual winters 
Beausoleil, kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill killy kill 
Beausoleil, did dog's blood rise when the dead gods died 
Beausoleil, beautiful sunshine whose shadow hides 
Beausoleil, white brothers planting burning crosses 
Beausoleil, the sharpest flavour is the one that stains 
Beausoleil, when dog's blood rises does it also dance 
Beausoleil, grey benediction of the Final Church 
Beausoleil, it's just your habit of culling time 
Beausoleil, a Death In June under a menstrual moon 
Beausoleil, Scorpio Rising but the Light Bearer falls 
Beausoleil, the squeaky laughter of a giddy world 
Beausoleil, still waving black flags from a stubble field 
Beausoleil, a maltese cross is pierced by the Blood of Christ 
Beausoleil, hiding from cancer crabs and cracking jokes 
Beausoleil, arson archbishop makes the deserts burn 
Beausoleil, the dead are grateful -- all you need is love 
Beausoleil, fat Buddhas smiling with the widest grin 
Beausoleil, candy floss surgeon with the golden hair 
Beausoleil, a brand new Process for a brand new age 
Beausoleil, a black Messiah wearing buckskin boots 
Beausoleil, assassin creepy-crawls through Hebron's Vale 
Beausoleil, there's no business like the devil's business 
Beausoleil, another martyr for the Noddy Apocalypse 
Beausoleil, que sera, sera 
Beausoleil, we want to sink into the deepest basin 
Beausoleil, fils de perdition, Luciferens 
Beausoleil, 7 and 7 is the hidden key 
Beausoleil, a train to Clarkesville in the menstrual night 
Beausoleil, Disneyland darkens with your Armageddon smile 
Beausoleil, sangs rGyas chos dang tsogs kyi mChog rNams la 
Beausoleil, you hide your candle on Golgotha's hill