


She's so cool, honestly 
and she only likes me, and it's honesty. 
She wants to be my girlfriend even 
and it's fine with me 
cause she's so cool / she's not leaving. 

Maybe she'll grow big like me, but hopefully not. 
I take up enough room, even without her 
Thanks to God, I found her before it was too late. 
Now I'm not worried. 

But I am encouraged, 
that there are godly girls out there, 
just one's right for me, but they're out there somewhere. 

Pretty without godly is ugly, so ugly. 
Ugly with godly doesn't exist. 
Pretty without godly is ugly, so ugly 
cause a girls heart means a lot more than her looks. 

I'm happy to be your friend. 
Honestly, I'm happy to be your friend. 
Honestly, you're cool, I'm happy to be your friend. 
I'm happy this song will never end.